A memorable Multi Day Alaska Yacht Charter in Southeast Alaska
The friendly and experienced team at True North Alaska Charters is excited to make your visit to Sitka or Juneau Alaska, an especially memorable one. There is so much beauty and majesty to experience when you visit this part of the world, what is called ‘The Last Frontier, and our crew welcomes the opportunity to share our multi-day yacht charter that can offer you the comfort you need while experiencing the epic sights of Alaska.
Our multi-day Alaska charters can be just what you need to get a more immersive and exciting experience as you explore the nature of Alaska. Our team is up to date on the current weather patterns and necessary precautions that we need to address before we embark on this exciting charter. You can have added peace of mind when you step on board our luxurious and comfortable yachts.
Read on to see what our multi-day Alaska charters entail and be sure to connect with our friendly team today through our contact page.

Day 1
Land in Alaska at one of two international airports, Juneau or Sitka.
*Juneau, Alaska
is the capital city of the state of Alaska. Located in the Gastineau Channel and the Alaskan panhandle, it is a unified municipality and the second-largest city in the United States by area
*Sitka, Alaska
is a unified city-borough in the southeast portion of the U.S. state of Alaska. It was formerly known as New Archangel while under Russian rule from 1799 to 1867. The city is situated on the west side of Baranof Island and the south half of Chichagof Island in the Alexander Archipelago of the Pacific Ocean
Take local transportation to the harbor to board the 'Midnight Sun'.
After getting settled in your cabins we'll have a safety orientation,
We leave it all behind in our wake!!

Day 2
From Juneau we cruise up Tracy Arm,

Day 3
Let’s stop and do a little fishing. Rock fish and halibut anyone?
This 9 year old boy from Massachusetts caught his first halibut. 49" and weighing in about 97 pounds. He fought for this fish for over 20 minutes and will never forget the experience. My chef, Adam, prepared some of the halibut that night, doesn't get any fresher than that. They shipped home over 30 lbs. Later in the summer the salmon fishing improves with a limit of 6 fish.
These are the kinds of memories that I love to share with my guests!
You can drop crab pots or shrimp pots a night or two.

Day 4
How about we spend some time with the magnificent humpback Whales!! These Humpbacks winter in the Hawaiian Islands where they breed and give birth in the warmer waters. Come spring time they migrate back to Alaska. After a few winter months of not eating they can lose 20% to 30% of their body mass and need the nutrient rich waters of Alaska to replenish. As filter feeders they feed on krill and small fish and can devour as much as a ton daily.

Day 5
Let’s have some fun activities. Of course we never really wait for day 5 for this! We have 3 double kayaks as well as 3 Stand up Paddle boards. An occasional polar bear plunge is always a option for brave. It's amazing how fast some climb back up on the boat. The water temperature warms up by mid summer to a steamy 54 to 58 degrees.
For the cold and travel times we have a number of games and cards on board as well as a selection of movies and nature documentaries.

Day 7
As Jackson Browne sings, All good things must come to an end.

Day 6
We never know when a black bear or a large Coastal brown bear is going to show up along the shoreline. Brown and grizzly bears are classified as the same species even though there are notable differences between them. Kodiak bears (brown bears from the Kodiak Archipelago) are classified as a distinct subspecies from those on the mainland because they have been isolated from other bears since the last ice age about 12,000 years ago. “Brown bears” typically live along the southern coast of the state where they have access to seasonally abundant spawning salmon. The coastal areas also provide a rich array of vegetation they can use as food as well as a milder climate. This allows them to grow larger and live in higher densities than their “grizzly” cousins in the northern and interior parts of the state. To minimize confusion, this report uses the term “brown bear” to refer to all members of Ursus arctos.
To the lover of wilderness Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world
Inspirational quote from John Muir about visiting Alaska